The Idea
There are five general stages in the preparation of your idea for a film story. These include: the premise, first draft, treatment, screenplay and the shooting script.
The premise is the one sentence summation of what your idea is about.
First Draft
If the subject of the film is brought forth from the writer or director, s/he will need to assemble ideas about how the idea should be turned into a film; s/he will need to research the background about the subject and discuss the needs, aims and contents of the film. If the idea for the film is an adaptation of a book or event – the story will need much work before the writer is in a position to produce the treatment. On the other hand, work at this stage of the script may be no more than discussion with the parties involved in the film. The method will depend both on the type of film involved and the scriptwriter.
The Treatment
The treatment is a brief prose description of how the writer sees the film. It will normally concentrate on the content of the film and will only broadly indicate the filmic interpretation of the subject. The structure of the film will be generally suggested, but the filmic details of the individual scenes will not be elaborated. If the film you plan to make is sponsored by a company or government organization, the treatment will need to be submitted for approval before work starts on the screenplay.
The Screenplay
With the screenplay, the structure and individual style of the film begins to emerge. The dialogue is written, commentary, sound effects and other sound track material that has to be sourced and/or purchased. Details of the locations, interiors and exteriors, day or night sequences are all indicated. The individual scenes are constructed and the dramatic shape of the film is now clear. The screenplay is also is the stage where technical details and instructions help the director and filmmakers envisage the effects of the film.
Shooting Script
This is the detailed account of the film into shot-by-shot order, anticipating every shot that will be used and how that shot will look. Every scene of the screenplay will be described in terms of individual shots. The shooting script assumes the blueprint of the film have been decided upon.
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