Completing The Moving Jigsaw
All editing depends on rhythm of movement and the rhythm of sequence. There are today many ways to edit a digital movie on your computer. A lot of editing software claim to be brilliant and swear they can turn anyone into a master editor. While this may be true but it’s not always the technology that creates beauty – it’s the mind and the eye that use it. Few things you need to consider before starting editing – is your computer powerful enough? Are you prepared to get any necessary attachments such as capture cards allowing you to store clips and share them with others?
Taking Continuity Further
Editing is probably the most involved aspect of creating your vision. Continuity of action is the construction and fitting together of several successive shots in such a manner that the audience assumes that the action portrayed on the screen is continuous, such that if flows naturally without pause from one shot to another. Lapses in continuity may cause a temporary lack of orientation in the audience. An editor may be able to patch up occasional lapses, for example, to create deliberate tension. However, pre-planning and post-production must always include the ability to create cohesion in this aspect for continuity of action.
Copyright Laws
If you want to create a film that affects mass audiences or an art house film that you wish to promote commercially, then you must consider obtaining permission to use a song or any other work from another source. Alternatively, you can ask musician friends to do the soundtrack or get rights to royalty free music. Be careful out there. Don’t think your film will go unnoticed by the company who owns the music rights to a song you are thinking of using. Be aware of copyright laws. Don’t use third-party material unless you gain permission to do so. Lastly, make sure you get the people involved in your film to fill out release and consent forms so you can share and screen the film without worry.
Sharing Your Film
Depending on the faith you have in your film and your ambition, you may want to try contacting some major film and distribution companies. They may tell you to get lost or give you a large amount of money for the movie you have made or to make another film. They could also put you in contact with someone who may be able to develop another project. Send your film everywhere to genuinely stand out and be noticed.
Making Your Cinema Happen
Technology makes is it easier, even more accessible to make a digital film. A filmmaker five years ago could not have dreamt up some of the innovations available today at your fingertips. However, do remember that despite all the technology and gadgets out there, making a film is about harnessing your creativity into a story of moving images. No amount of gadgetry can do this for you – it has got to come from within. Filmmakers do things. Filmmakers share ideas. Filmmakers change the world.
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