Characters Are Belief Systems Set In Motion
A story is the embodiment of the filmmakers ideas and passions. When you work with one eye on the script and another on Hollywood – you may produce the literal equivalent of something as timeless as Citizen Kane.
Story Is About Respect For The Audience
A beautifully told story is a symphonic unit in which structure, setting, character, genre and idea melt seamlessly. To find this harmony, the filmmaker must integrate the elements of story as if they were instruments of an orchestra – first separately, then in concert.
Human Nature Constantly Changes
When a character steps into your imagination, s/he brings an abundance of story possibilities. If you wish, you could start the telling before the character is even born. A character’s life encompasses hundreds of thousands of living hours, both complex and multi-leveled.
Reel Truth
Characters can be more real than people and the fictional world can be more profound than the concrete. The love of the dramatic for the filmmaker – is a fascination with the sudden surprises and revelations that bring sea changes in life. The love of humanity – is captured with the willingness to empathize with suffering souls, to crawl inside their skins and see the world though their eyes. The love of sensation – is the desire to indulge not only the physical but also the inner senses of the psychological world. The love of dreaming – the pleasure in taking leisurely rides on your imagination just to see where it leads. The love of humor – a joy of language – the delight in sound and sense, syntax and semantics. The love of perfection is expressed as the passion to write and rewrite in pursuit of the perfect moment. The love of uniqueness – is the thrill of audacity and a stone-faced calm when it is met by ridicule. The love of self – a strength that doesn’t need to be constantly reassured that never doubts that you are indeed a filmmaker. You must love to create and bear the loneliness. But the love of a good story, of terrific characters and a world driven by your passion, courage and creative gifts is still not enough. Your goal must be a good story well told.
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