Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Heart Is Like A River That Needs To Grow Stronger Every Day

The river of life is immense. It has the capacity to receive, embrace and transform. When our hearts are small, our understanding and compassion are limited. We can't accept or tolerate others. But when our hearts expand and grows strong, these people with their shortcomings don't bother us anymore. Once we have a lot of understanding and compassion we can embrace others regardless of our differences. We can accept them as they are, and then they have a chance to transform. So the big question is: how do we help our hearts to grow strong?

Each of us can learn the art of nourishing happiness and love. Everything needs food to live and love to grow. If we don't know how to nourish love, it withers. When we exercise it in full and support our own happiness, we are nourishing our human ability to love. That's why to love means to learn the art of nourishing our soul's happiness as well.

Valentine's day celebration to me is a celebration of true love. True love gives us beauty, freshness, solidity, freedom and peace. True love includes a feeling of deep joy that we are alive. In the beginning of a relationship, your love may only include you and the other person. But if you practice true love, very soon that love will grow and include all people in your life. Love runs deep in our lives. We must nourish our love and to help it continue to grow from strength to strength. From smile to smile till our cheeks hurt. 

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