Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Come To My Place: Great Summer On The East Coast


The feelings awakened by the scenery are unlike any others. The sky overhead is nature’s canvas. She dips into her palette and colors visions of glowing geometric designs around the sun and moon, and dancing rainbow of light across the heavens with all the brilliant hues of the spectrum. What we experience as color in the sky are solar beams passing through tiny, floating ice crystals or water droplets in the atmosphere. The striking halo involves various combinations of four basic mechanisms: reflection, refraction, diffraction, and scattering. As you look out, the water is now calm and still and as bright as if molten silver. Its surface is stirred up by the wind or by a large fish. The lofty mountains rise up in the distance with names like rattlesnake, and seem to stand in the majesty of solitude. They repose like monsters, too independent to emit a single sound. It is a place that imposes its own rules. By learning them and respecting the ways of the uncontrolled world we come to the kind of peace that brings humankind to marvel at a silent, pure capacity of nature.

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