Monday, January 16, 2017

Make America Hate Again

Welcome to Trumpistan. I am absolutely in shock and embarrassed as an American. Trump has turned politics into a reality show. This man does not want to tell the truth. His racism, anger and hatred are scary. When they are filming his shows, I notice there is never a black, brown or Chinese person in the audience. How on earth did we come to this? The man openly attacks the press, women and the handicapped. As Fran Lebowitz says, "Trump is a poor person's idea of a rich person." Although he lost the popular vote by two-and-half million ballots, he was able to secure an electoral college victory by a slim margin – approximately 120,000 votes in Florida, 68,000 in Pennsylvania, 23,000 in Wisconsin, and 11,000 in Michigan. Of course, 50% of the American voting population could not even bother to vote, they simply didn't care enough to show up which to me is the greatest source of insult to our democracy. As everyone is lining up to kiss the ring on the modern day Saddam Hussein should we pay attention or look away?

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