Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Say Captain, Say What

"Faster, faster!" my passenger shouts as I helm the steering through a maze of boats in a crowded marina. I don't need much encouragement. This boat is designed for performance with 440 horsepower engine on tap. Once clear in open water, I push down on the throttle and feel the 9.6 meter composite slip faster through the water. In open water, I spin the wheel and encounter the slope of our wake. The deep V hull means we slice right through the waves. In both looks and experience, this speedboat is simply fun. As we take a lap around the harbor, the wind whipping through my hair, my smile couldn't be much wider. Even at three-quarter power, the hush in the wheelhouse is intensified by the murmured appreciation of a few rapt guests, as the tally of the knots on the screen ticks upwards. Obviously, I have to slow down and share the wheel with the new Captain. My son is nautically inclined, wishes to drop anchor and take a leap into the big blue, loving embrace of nature. 

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