Thursday, October 1, 2015

Love Is The Most Powerful, Sustaining Form Of Motivation That We Have

The awesome thing about happiness is that when we are happy, that feeling expands from within us, all the way into the rest of the world for everyone to share. Inner joy is something that's yours: something that can never be broken or lost. Our real enemies are doubt, fear, anxiety and worries. When we meditate or exercise, we feel the soul of joy; it comes spontaneously like an inner fountain. When we do not try to perfect others, but only try to perfect ourselves then we find real joy. If we feel that we are not indispensable that without us the world will go on, we find joy. If we want true joy and true peace then we must be totally detached. This detachment does not mean that we shall not work for the world, but we shall not allow ourselves to be caught by negative emotions in anything. Fill yourself up with love and live in abundance.

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