Sunday, October 3, 2010

Push The Body

Fitness enables an even higher ability to give in all my relationships. Right now I am training for the Big Sur Half Marathon taking place November 14th in Monterey, CA. This year marks the eight year celebration for the run, and thankfully I have participated in this event since the inception seven years ago. My fastest time has been one hour thirty-two minutes and thirty-two seconds. My slowest has been two hours and two minutes. For this year's race, I am training at the Pacific Athletic Club in Redwood Shores six days a week. My training consists of: warm up, thirty minutes pull on the ergometer, six miles uphill run on treadmill, and 40 laps of the olympic pool. I am feeling really, really good and cannot wait to run this race. My next racing event after the Big Sur Half Marathon is the Bay2Breakers in May which in 2011 celebrates its 100th running. I want to live to be 273 years old!

To Be Consumed In Service

My schoolboy days at Ridley College were of greatest influence and the friendships made are to last a lifetime. Ridley is a genuine blend of respect for its great traditions combined with a continuous exploration for the best of modern progression. An independent school recognizes the need for continuous evaluation of its students–placing emphasis on producing globally connected citizens of integrity, intelligence and depth. My experience of the vibrant culture of happiness at this elite Canadian boarding school with its deep international connectedness and the emphasis for each individual to make a contribution to the modern world encompassing academic, athletic and artistic–reflects a mission for the 21st century. Terar Dum Prosim.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Search For Natural Beauty

Photography is a magic act. It has become an art form of our technological age–fast, accurate, largely automatic; an efficient and powerful way of communicating information; an unmatched way of spanning time and space. In the hands of any perceptive person, the camera possesses a unique power: it can reproduce the past with fidelity of no other medium. No medium of expression has ever appealed so immediately to so many people, nor has any medium but spoken or written language been so universally used. Today, through the social network photography is so commonplace we rarely give it a second thought. Yet, as individuals we are not only daily consumers of vast numbers of pictures, but prolific producers as well.

Photography is an art that can be pursued at many levels, each offering its own rewards. On a basic level photography implies taking pictures of all sorts of things: friends, relatives and group picnics. For the serious photographer the photograph is a means of seeing and understanding a little bit more about the significant details of life and the world around us. This attraction–the lure of experiencing more of the world by catching it inexorably pulls the photographer upward and onward into the professional realm. At the highest level of photography is a pure search for meaning in nature, form and light. Capturing nature’s beauty, its moods, its growth and progress is the ultimate challenge that never ceases to renew itself.