Sunday, March 10, 2019

Addicted To Sweating

Go for it. Take a shot at the big time. If you realize how powerful your thoughts are, you will never have a negative thought again. The invisible forces that drive every thought you think and emotion you feel are the habitual patterns of action that shape your life. Can we change habits? Yes, with INTENTION and ENERGY. We can train ourselves to generate energy it takes to create a new set of actions–and with repetition, like building a quadricep, these emotions become your new, consciously designed habits that produce the results you're after. When we create the right set of habits we become more efficient so that we have more energy for all the things that matter.  

Goldie Turns Eight

An amazing vibrant boy filled with exuberance, positivity, curiosity, compassion, a sense for fairness, and high-energy. As he heads towards eleven, i will at some point start looking for an elite prep school for him including Ridley College, Upper Canada College, Brentwood College School, and a few in the USA. I am so proud of him.