Our relationships with winter are as varied as our
relationships with each other. Some experiences are a quick fling, a mad dash,
soon to be forgotten. Others etch themselves into our psyche forever. As
adults, we tend to revisit what we have loved most and if we manage to arrive
there again, we find comfort in the repetition.
In thinking about these deeper connections, I realize water
was the original shield that protected us from the outside world. Perhaps we
all unconsciously seek this refuge again and combined with the primal need to
be sheltered, create a feeling of comfort we can’t quite explain when we sit
near, look at or touch the water – even in its crystal form. We can almost
smell it, taste it, love being near it, write about it, take photos of it, and
cast our gaze into its collective form.
These images can be profoundly universal because as
viewers, we automatically relive our own winter stories by experiencing the joy of
perspective. Winter can be interpreted in many ways, but it takes special
skill to convey a universal feeling within an image. We all have memories like
this, somewhere in our consciousness. Water is the thread that connects our adventures of winter
with spring and summer. Viewing these images makes one journey wide-eyed through the constantly shifting snow.